Services for Lawyers

Having objective evidence regarding your client’s function will help them win the compensation they deserve.   Locating providers who will travel to meet with your clients in their community and who offer assessments of both physical and cognitive function can be hard to find. Harbourside Rehabilitation Inc. is committed to providing individualized functional assessments to support your client’s claim. 

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Harbourside Rehab is pleased to provide Metriks one or two day Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE’s). An FCE is an objective measurement of an individuals’ current physical abilities and limitations, workday tolerance and overall degree of strenuousness. They are conducted by a registered Occupational Therapist.

Harbourside uses a battery of standardized and non-standardized assessment tools to objectively measure an individual’s cognitive functional ability in the context or real life activities. It assesses cognitive strengths and weaknesses and is not diagnostic in nature.

A Functional Cognitive Screen can be useful in determining if the individual has cognitive deficits and the impact those  deficits have on function. This information can then be used to guide occupational therapy intervention to develop compensatory and remedial strategies to improve function.

The results of the Cognitive Functional Screen can also be used to assess the individuals cognitive ability to work and is beneficial in the return to work planning or accommodations process.

Our Cognitive Functional Assessment can be tailored to assess the capacity to meet the cognitive demands of a specific role in combination with a Cognitive Demands Analysis.

Often clients who are off work are not engaged in their normal pre-injury/pre-disability activities and they lack structure to their day. This may be related to a variety of conditions such as chronic pain or mental health issues. Our Consultants can provide guidance to clients in the areas of activity scheduling with the goal of gradually improving their daily functioning. Strategies such as goal setting, stress management techniques, time management and relaxation techniques are utilized in a self management approach. The services are delivered on a one-on-one basis in the client’s home environment. This is an excellent tool to assist the client to prepare for an eventual return to work.

This is an essential tool for the return to work process as it is used to match a person’s functional abilities for a specific position. It includes an objective analysis of the essential job tasks. The report is based on observations of the worksite, other employees performing the duties as well as interviews with the injured/disabled worker and/or supervisor. A JSA includes either a physical demands analysis of the employee’s position or a cognitive demands analysis or both. Recommendations from the report can include further rehabilitation recommendations with specific intervention or treatment providers, or workplace accommodations for the employee.

Studies have shown that companies who use disability management consulting services are three times more successful in returning employees back to the workplace following injury or illness (Watson Wyatt Work Study). Our goal is the same as yours — to get injured or ill employees healthy and back to the workplace while ensuring they receive the most appropriate and cost-effective treatment methods available.

We meet with the employee’s treatment providers to coordinate treatment plans that help meet our shared goal. Case Management/Disability Management Counsulting helps to enhance your cost management while offering the support and encouragement employees need to increase their potential for recovery and return to work.

When an employee is ready to return to work, we develop a return to work plan which is supported by the employee, employer and the employee’s treating Physician. We monitor the employee on a regular basis and maintain contact with the employer during the return to work program to ensure success.

Sometimes employees are not able to return to their original occupation after injury or disability. A TSA assessment can help identify potential occupations based on the employee’s training, vocational experience and education. The analysis is based on the Canadian National Occupational Classification of Occupations (NOC) and is, therefore, non-biased and helps identify potentially appropriate occupations. All TSA assessments are conducted by a registered Occupational Therapist (OT) who has been trained by a Rehabilitation Specialist with extensive experience critiquing TSA reports for legal purposes. Any identified occupations have been manually selected by the OT specifically for the employee.

Our Consultants have many years experience working with clients with a variety of disabilities, including making recommendations for services to help a client progress with their recovery. We have provided file reviews for insurers and lawyers to make suggestions for further rehabilitation or to comment on an individual’s rehabilitation potential.

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